A transducer, for all practical purposes, is a devise that converts one kind of energy (or signal) to another. Here’s a thermocouple converted a radiant heat signal into an electric voltage for input into an amplifier. This is the figure that shows about principle of transducer;
The thermocouple used for sensing temperature was the AD590L manufactured by Analog Devices (See Appendix C). Basically the AD590 is a two-terminal integrated circuit temperature transducer which produces an output current proportional to absolute temperature. When wired as a voltage divider in series with a 1kW resistor, the transducer is capable of producing a change of 1mV / °C. This is far too small a change to be adequately sampled. Therefore it was necessary to process the signal by means of amplification. A 741 operational amplifier was employed to enhance the signal by a scaling factor(See Appendix K).
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