This is a circuit for a 3kOhms pressure transducer bridge that operates on a 5V single supply is shown in the figure below. This is the figure of the circuit;
In the circuit like this, bridge consumes only 1,7mA. The using of AD620 and a buffered voltage divider allows the signal to be conditioned for only 3.8mA of total supply current. Where small size and low power become more significant, the AD620 is suitable for higher resistance and pressure sensors powered at lower voltages.
Can you explain me carefully how this pressure is mesured?. Someone put his finger on one of the 3kohm resitence?...and i contect a osciloscope?. I wanto to make this proyecto for my class but i dont underestand the electronics well
My mail is
dear friend...
this circuit amplifies the output voltage of pressure sensor and put it in range of 0 to 5 volt... so you can easily read it by ADC...
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